Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How to make – Bread Pudding

Cooking Class Bread pudding with rhum sauce (roti puding dengan saus rum):

Cooking Class Ingredients:
½ loaf day-old French bread
2 cups milk
3 eggs
¾ cup raisins
1 tsp vanilla extract
Pinch ground ginger
Butter or Margarine

½ cup butter or margarine
1 cup sugar
1 egg
4 tbsps rum or brandy

Cut bread into small pieces & soak in the milk
When the bread has softened, add the eggs, raisins, vanilla, and ginger. Grease 8 custard cups with butter or margarine and fill each with an equal amount of pudding mixture to within ½ inch of the top. Place the dishes in a roasting pan & pour in enough hot water to come halfway up the sides of the dishes. Bake in a preheated 350ºF oven until risen and set about 35-40 minutes.When the pudding have cooked, combine the ½ cup butter and the sugar in the top of a double boiler and heat to dissolve the sugar. Beat the egg and stir in a spoonful of the hot butter mixture. Add the egg to the double boiler & whisk over heat until thick. Allow to cool and add the rum or brandy.To serve, turn out puddings onto pates and surround with sauce. Sprinkle the tops with nutmeg.

Cooking Class Special:
1.Potong roti kecil-kecil dan rendam di dalam susu.
2. Ketika roti lunak, masukka telur, kismis, vanila, dan jahe.
3. Campur 8 wadah custard dengan margarine dan lalu campur masing-masing wadah dengan jumlah adonan puding hingga mencapai ½ inci dari atas
4. Tempatkan wadah-wadah tsb ke dalam loyang, dan tuangkan air panas hingga mencapai tengah-tengah wadah.
5. Panggang dalam oven bersuhu 180 derajat Celcius hingga mengembang selama 35-40 menit.
6. Ketika puding telah matang, campurkan ½ cangkir butter dan gula didihkan hingga larut. Kocok telur dan masukkan sesendok sesendok ke dalam larutan tersebut dan masak hingga kental.
7. Matikan api, dan setelah dingin, tuangkan rum atau brandy.
8. Untuk menyajikan, balikkan puding ke atas piring, dan tuangkan saus secukupnya. Taburi dengan kacang (mede atau kenari, sesuai selera)