Thursday, June 18, 2009

XBOX 360 Elite Limited Edition – Resident Evil 5

Bagi anda para console gamers, mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi dengan seri Resident Evil buatan CAPCOM. Menyambut peluncuran seri terbarunya yakni Resident Evil 5, Microsoft mengeluarkan secara terbatas XBOX 360 Elite Limited Edition - Resident Evil 5.

XBOX 360 Elite Limited Edition - Resident Evil 5 ini tampil dengan dibalut warna merah menyala, mulai dari console hingga joystick. Paket penjualan yang ditawarkan cukup menarik, selain paket XBOX + DVD Resident Evil 5 masih ditambah dengan free voucher game Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix.

Console ini akan hadir pada peluncuran perdana Resident Evil 5 pada Jumat, 13 Maret 2009. Selain di XBOX, Resident Evil 5 ini juga akan hadir dalam platformPlayStation 3. Harga yang ditawarkan untuk console ini hampir sama denganXBOX 360 Elite, berkisar antara $400. Kalau anda mengaku sebagai pencinta seri Resident Evil, sepertinyaXBOX 360 Elite Limited Edition - Resident Evil 5 ini tidak boleh anda lewatkan.

Nokia akhirnya Terjun Ke Bisnis Notebook

Vendor ponsel nomor satu sejagat Nokia mempertimbangkan untuk terjun ke bisnis notebook. Geliat pasar notebook yang sudah dipenuhi oleh berbagai macam merek, tidak membuat produsen ponsel terbesar di dunia ini patah semangat untuk mencoba meluaskan bisnisnya. Hal tersebut ditegaskan oleh Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Nokia Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo dalam sebuah kesempatan wawancara dengan sebuah stasiun televisi. Dalam acara tersebut, Kallasvuo tengah serius untuk mempertimbangkan menjadi produsen notebook.
"Keinginan kami untuk membuat notebook, akan kami pelajari terus. Dan kami sangat aktif untuk terus mempelajari prospek pasar yang ada." terang Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo, seperti yang dikutip Reuters, Minggu (1/3/2009). Rumor mengenai rencana Nokia untuk memasuki industri notebook memang telah terdengar sejak akhir tahun lalu, akan tetapi pernyataan Kallasvuo boleh dianggap sebagai pengakuan resmi pertama tentang realisasi rencana tersebut.

Di lain pihak, para produsen komputer sendiri juga mulai serius meluncurkan ponsel. Seperti Acer yang baru-baru ini mengeluarkan berbagai jenis smartphone. "Kita tidak perlu melihat hingga lima tahun ke depan untuk mengetahui, bahwa apa yang kita sebut sebagai ponsel dan personal computer (PC) akan mulai menyatu. Seperti diketahui, kita sudah melihat ratusan juta orang yang mendapatkan pengalaman internet pertamanya di ponsel. Fakta ini adalah indikasi yang baik." tegasnya.

Ben Wood, analis dari CSS Insight mengatakan bahwa Nokia mungkin akan gugup memasuki bisnis notebook. Namun Nokia jelas punya keuntungan dengan besarnya skala produksi, suplai dan distribusi mereka jika akhirnya mereka benar-benar memasuki industri ini.

Samsung Mondi WiMax

Kemajuan teknologi komunikasi dewasa ini sungguh cepat.Persaingan antara gadget tidak dipungkiri lagi, kini Samsung mengeluarkan Mondi (SWD-M100) WiMAX touch-screenyang diperkenalkan pada CTIA 2009. Dengan ukuran layar Mondi yang hanya 4.3-inch serta dilengkapi dengan kamera 3 Megapixel mungkin bagi anda seperti notebook kecil dengan desain yang mungil. Dengan bantuan Operating System Windows Mobile 6.1 serta model slide dengan full QWERTY keyboard serta tombol shortcut untuk Internet Explorer memudahkan anda untuk menjelajah Internet. Features Mondi juga cukup menjanjikan, dengan WiMax Mobile Internet Access, GPS dengan dukungan untuk Route 66 Navigation, Microsoft Outlook dan Windows Mobile Office, 4GB internal memory, Bluetooth, Video player, Messaging, dan Push e-mail (POP3, IMAP, and SMTP), Instant-messaging dan Personal organizer. Tentu saja kondisi WiMAX disetiap negara berbeda-beda tergantung dari penyedia jasa WiMAX.

Kita tunggu kehadirannya di tanah air.

BlackBerry Niagara

Setelah beredarnya iPhone 3G di Indonesia, BlackBerry tidak tinggal diam. BlackBerry terus berinovasi dan telah menyiapkan smartphonetipe baru yang diperkirakan akan masuk pasar pada Mei mendatang. BlackBerry Niagara, belum jelas kapan tanggal pasti maupun harga peluncurannya. Namun informasi yang kita dapatkan dari beberapa sumber menyebutkan Niagara akan segera dipasarkan oleh operator Verizon Wireless dalam satu bulan ke depan, yakni bulan Mei.

BlackBerry Niagara merupakan perpaduan antara BlackBerry Curve dan BlackBerry Bold. Tipe ini disebut-sebut sebagai “The best Blackberry keyboard. Ever.” Niagara diperkirakan akan lebih besar dari Javelin, tapi lebih kecil dari BlackBerry Bold. Akan tetapi resolusi layarnya sama dengan Bold, 480 x 320.

Persamaan lainnya, Niagara diperkirakan juga akan menggunakan prosesor 624MHz buatan Qualcomm dengan operating system BlackBerry 4.7. Namun kesemua hal tersebut bukanlah sebuah kepastian, tergantung dari waktu peluncurannya ke pasar. Ponsel ini memiliki keyboard full QWERTY, EV-DO Rev A, GPS, kamera 3.2 Megapixel dan dukungan BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0. Sayangnya pada perangkat ini masih tidak dilengkapi dengan fitur Wi-Fi.

Bluetooth 3.0

Jika Anda salah satu yang sering merasa sedikit kurang nyaman transfer data via Bluetooth saat ini, maka bergembiralah. Mengutip situs, 21 April nanti, Bluetooth Special Interest Group (Bluetooth SIG) akan meresmikan standar baru dalam proses perpindahan data dengan kapasitas lebih cepat yakni mencapai 480 Mbps, jauh diatas Bluetooth 2.1+EDR saat ini yang hanya mampu menghantarkan data dengan kecepatan maksimal 3Mbps.

Bluetooth 3.0 berstandar teknologi IEEE 802.11 yang merupakan standar teknologi Wireless Fidelity atau lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Wi-Fi. Namun dengan teknologi ini, menuntut penggunaan daya yang lebih besar. Karena itu, maka teknologi IEEE 802.11 hanya digunakan terbatas pada mode bulk-transfer di Bluetooth 3.0. Mode ini diaktifkan bila dua peranti Bluetooth sedang melakukan perpindahan data dalam ukuran cukup besar. Tidak semua penggunaan Bluetooth perlu kecepatan tinggi, misalkan hanya untuk sinkronisasi Personal Information Management (PIM) atau dial-up networking cukup yang berkecepatan rendah.

USB 3.0

Bagi anda yang mengikuti sejarah perkembangan teknologi Universal Serial Bus atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai USB mungkin ingat ketika kemunculan USB 2.0 amat dinantikan oleh publik pada tahun 2001 lalu. Menjanjikan kecepatan transfer data hingga 480Mbps, ternyata angka transfer data yang sesungguhnya dicapai pada saat itu hanyalah 250Mbps. Tahun demi tahun berlalu, teknologi ini terus dikembangkan dan akhirnya mampu untuk mendekati kecepatan transfer data 480Mbps.

Berita teknologi USB versi 3.0 memang telah beredar sejak tahun lalu dan kemunculannya cukup dinantikan oleh kalangan pecinta teknologi informasi secara luas. Sebuah berita dipaparkan oleh perwakilan dari USB Implementers Forum (USB-FI) bahwa USB 3.0 akan ’kembali’ melalui tahap evolusi yang serupa dengan saudara tuanya, USB 2.0 dan tidak mencapai kecepatan hingga 5000Mbps seperti yang dijanjikan. Adapun prototipehard drive USB 3.0 yang ditunjukkan kepada khalayak publik pada pameran CES 2009 lalu, mampu mencapai kecepatan maksimal 1320Mbps atau sekitar 165MB/s dalam melakukan pembacaan data dan 1000Mbps atau sekitar 125MB/s dalam melakukan penulisan data.

Yang perlu ditekankan adalah prototipe dan kecepatan yang dicapai tersebut belumlah final dan masih sangat dimungkinkan untuk ditingkatkan kedepannya. Akan tetapi, mereka menyatakan untuk tidak terlalu berharap angka yang dicapai mampu melebihi 1200Mbps (150MB/s) untuk kecepatan transfer datanya. Meskipun demikian, angka diatas tetaplah dua kali lebih cepat dari kecepatan maksimum USB 2.0 dan rasanya dengan performa kecepatan tersebut sudah lebih dari cukup untuk peripheral kebanyakan.

Akan seperti apakah nasib USB 3.0 untuk kedepannya? Dengan segala kecanggihan teknologi informasi, melonjaknya arus informasi, semakin padat dan besarnya konten digital, tentunya besar harapan kita akan salah satu storage device paling populer dewasa ini dapat mencapai kecepatan maksimum yang akan mempermudah penggunanya.

Consumer Reports Survey On Mac vs PC

Consumer Reports mengeluarkan opininya mengenai debat antara Mac (Macintosh - Apple) dan PC (Personal Computer - Microsoft Windows) dalam survei konsumen komputer baru-baru ini. Hasil dan pemenangnya adalah Mac, yang mengoleksi skor lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan PC (dalam hal ini khusus notebook). Akan tetapi dari hasil survei ini juga ditemukan bahwa harga Mac bisa sampai tiga hingga empat kali lebih mahal daripada harga PC. Hal menarik yang ditemukan juga adalah faktor kampanye iklan masing-masing merek yang menentukan produk mereka akan dibeli atau tidak oleh para pelanggan.

Tempat survei penelitian dilakukan di Best Buy. Pilihan teratas yang dipilih konsumen adalah seluruh Apple MacBook dalam kategorinotebook ringan, yakni kategori notebook dengan layar 14, 16 dan 17 inch. Dalam kategori ini, MacBook Air berada pada posisi teratas dengan skor 60/100 sementara tempat kedua diduduki oleh HP dv3-1075us dengan skor 55/100. Bandrol harga HP dv3 tersebut adalah $850 USD sementara MacBook Air dijual dengan harga $2300 USD.

MacBook Pro 17 inch juga menduduki posisi teratas untuk kategori notebook 17 inch dengan skor 80/100. Tempat kedua diduduki oleh Dell Studio S17-162B yang mengumpulkan skor 64/100. Harga MacBook Pro adalah $2800 USD dan harga Dell adalah $750 USD. Pada kategori 14 hingga 15 inch, lagi-lagi MacBook Pro menempati posisi terhormat dengan skor 75/100 dengan harga $2000 USD, sementara posisi runner-up ditempati oleh Toshiba Satellite M305-S4910 dan Asus X83Vm-x2 yang mendapat skor 64/100 dengan kisaran harga $450 – $850 USD.

Secara keseluruhan, Consumer Reports mengatakan Mac superior dibandingkan dengan PC dalam hal kualitas, customer support dan inovasi. Namun banyak yang mengeluhkan tentang harga mereka yang terbilang mahal bila dibandingkan dengan banyak sistem berbasiskan Windows dalam performa yang sama. Keunggulan kualitas Mac pada faktor masa hidup baterai dan bentuk fisik yang menawan tidak serta merta membuat Apple selalu berada pada posisi diatas angin dibandingkan dengan Windows. Penjualan Mac selama masa krisis ekonomi di Amerika Serikat mengalami penurunan, sementara penjualan PC tetap stabil karena penawaran produk baru dan harga yang cenderung murah seperti kemunculan Netbook yang boomingbelakangan ini.

High price, higher performance or low price, standard performance? You name it, you decide.

Alienwnware Area 51 m17x Monster Gaming Notebook

Alienware menyiapkan ‘debut’ mereka untuk event Electronic Entertainment Expo atau lebih akrab disebut dengan E3 yang akan dimulai minggu depan, dengan menyiapkan gaming notebook terbarunya yang mempunyai spesifikasi ‘monster’, seolah tidak peduli dengan resesi yang terjadi di dunia yang menyebabkan menurunnya tingkat daya beli konsumen. Lucunya, spesifikasinya ini telah diberitakan lebih awal oleh Gizmodo terlebih dahulu. Alienware Area 51 - m17x adalah gaming notebook yang bersenjatakan dua kartu grafis NVidia GeForce GTX 280m 1GB (ya, dua buah GTX 280m) dan prosesor Intel Core 2 Extreme Quad terbaru yang dapat di-overclock.

Memori yang digunakan adalah jenis DDR3 -1333MHz – hingga 8GB, sebuah hard drive 1TB (optional 512GB SSD) dan dilengkapi denganoptical disc drive jenis terbaru yakni Blu-ray. Fitur ‘monster’ lainnya adalah layar display widescreen 17 inch Crystal Clear dengan resolusi 1920 x 1200, sebuah resolusi layar yang masih amat jarang ditemui pada komputer kategori notebook. Untuk mengatasi ‘kebuasan’ kartu grafis yang seringkali memakan banyak sumber daya pada baterai, Alienware m17x ini juga menanamkan kartu grafis terintegrasi Nvidia 9400M jika anda sedang tidak bermain game. 4 port USB 2.0 dan eSATA, kemudian port Display Port dan HDMI melengkapi konektivitas apa yang disebut oleh Alienware sebagai ”the most powerful 17-inchgaming notebook in the universe”.

Harga notebook ini diperkirakan sekitar US$1800, akan tetapi jangan berharap untuk mendapatkan seluruh fitur yang tersedia jika anda hanya berpatokan pada harga tersebut. Tertarik memilikinya?

The New Ipone 3G S

Selain Mac OS X Snow Leopard, pada ajang WWDC 09 (Worldwide Developers Conference 2009) Apple Inc. memperkenalkan iPhone terbaru mereka yang kabarnya sudah sangat santer terdengar sebelumnya, baik prediksi peluncurannya bahkan hingga spesifikasi teknisnya. iPhone 3G S merupakan iPhone baru tersebut, dimana huruf S dibelakang kata 3G bermaknakan kata Speed atau kecepatan. Apple mengklaim iPhone 3G S sebagai iPhone paling canggih dan palingpowerfull yang pernah ada baik dari segi hardware maupun software.Hardware yang digunakan dalam iPhone 3G S berkekuatan dua kali lebih baik dari iPhone 3G lama, sementara dari sisi software Apple sekaligus merilis iPhone Operating System (OS) 3.0 yang ditujukan untuk iPhone 3G S.

Berikut adalah beberapa fitur-fitur terbaru dari iPhone 3G S:

1. Video

Dengan iPhone 3G S sekarang anda dapat merekam momen spesial dalam kehidupan anda dan sharing melalui e-mail, MMS, Mobile Me atau bahkan ke YouTube. Kemampuan merekam video ini dilengkapi dengan kemampuan editingsecara langsung untuk hasil video yang optimal sesuai keinginan.

2. 3 Megapixel Camera

Anda akan dimanjakan dengan kualitas gambar yang lebih tajam dengan lensa kamera beresolusi hingga 3 Megapixel.

3. Voice Control

Esensinya adalah penggunaan suara untuk perintah fitur dari iPhone 3G S. Lewat Voice Control, anda dapat membuat panggilan telepon, memainkan musik serta fitur Genius hingga pengaturan playlist dengan mudah.

4. Cut, Copy, Paste

Problem yang paling banyak ditemui oleh para pengguna iPhone 3G adalah ketiadaan fitur editing seperti Cut, Copy, Paste. Sekarang dengan menggunakan iPhone 3G S yang telah menggunakan iPhone OS 3.0, anda akan mendapatkan fitur tersebut.

5. Landscape View

Dengan fitur ini sekarang anda dapat menulis dan menjawab e-mail dalam tampilan landscape.

6. Internet Tethering

Apakah anda ingin Mac atau PC menggunakan akses internet di iPhone anda? Sekarang dapat dilakukan via USB ataupun Bluetooth.

7. Search

Fungsi Search ini merupakan fitur ’Spotlight’ yang terdapat di Mac, anda dapat melakukan pencarian ke dalam isi sebuah file. Misalnya: anda ingin mencari dokumen tapi anda hanya ingat judul sub chapter-nya, yang perlu anda lakukan mengetik sub chapter tersebut maka fileini akan langsung dapat dicari dan ditemukan.

8. Bahasa Indonesia

iPhone 3G S mendukung penggunaan Bahasa Indonesia untuk kemudahan penggunaan.

9. MMS

Untuk pesan singkat selain SMS, iPhone 3G S sekarang telah mendukung MMS.

10. Compass

Fitur kompas dalam bentuk digital ini dapat melakukan sinkronisasi dengan Google Maps untuk mengetahui lokasi sebuah tempat.

iPhone 3G S akan tersedia dengan kapasitas 16GB dan 32GB dengan warna hitam atau putih. iPhone 3G S diperkirakan akan dipasarkan di Indonesia sekitar tanggal 8 Agustus 2009.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My Specification PC to you

I suggestion you, all of you. I build the perfect PC.

I using the gamers, Graphics Designer, and Home Theater Personal Computer. 3 in 1 PC in Your PC at home. do you want to trying build the PC, Let’s follow me :

This is Your Specification:

Corei7 965Extreme
Asus Rampage II Extreme or Biostar TPower X58
Corsair 6GB kit x2
HDD WDC velociraptor 300GB , WDC Black 2TBx4
Optical Drive Pionerr BD Combo
Optical Drive Pionerr BD RW

VGA ATi Radeon HD 4870

VGA Dual SLI GTX 295 

casing silverstone raven
Thermolab Baram Universal CPU Cooler
Creative SB X-FI Titanium Fatality Champion Soundcard 
or you can using Asus Xonar X-FI

PSu 1200W Silverstone

Samsung LED TV 40” x 3 units

In Indonesian language.

Saya akan membuat PC rakitan dan Saya Juga dapat menyarankan anda sebagai pertimbangan untuk membangun atau merakit PC baru anda. Di sini saya akan menggabungkan antara komputer gamers, Graphics Designer, dan Home Theater PC. Mari ikuti saya :

Ini adalah speksifikasi PC anda sbb :

Corei7 965Extreme
Asus Rampage II Extreme or Biostar TPower X58
Corsair 6GB kit x2
HDD WDC velociraptor 300GB , WDC Black 2TBx4
Optical Drive Pionerr BD Combo
Optical Drive Pionerr BD RW

VGA ATi Radeon HD 4870

VGA Dual SLI GTX 295

Casing Silverstone Raven

Thermolab Baram Universal CPU Cooler
Creative SB X-FI Titanium Fatality Champion Soundcard 
or you can using Asus Xonar X-FI

PSu 1200 Watt Silverstone

Samsung LED TV 3x 40”

sekirannya dapat di jadikan acuan bagi anda semua.

if perhaps can to the first steps before build the PC.


Thank You.


Samsung LED TV 40 series 7


Hanya ada satu televisi tertipis, terjernih dan paling elegan. Tanpa diragukan, televisi tersebut adalah TV LED Samsung seri 7. Begitu tipis mempesona, yang didesain dari satu keping kristal tanpa sambungan yang begitu sempurna. Pada layar LED nya, detail tajam dapat dilihat disetiap frame-nya. Gambar yang sedikit atau seluruhnya kabur dihilangkan, warna yang kuat dikembalikan ke tiap pikselnya. Saksikan program televisi, konten sebuah situs atau milik anda, mengetahui bahwa anda juga bersikap baik terhadap lingkungan. Hal ini merupakan prestasi desain yang mengagumkan, saat dihidupkan atau tidak.

Gambar Sempurna

Untuk gambar yang sangat menarik dan begitu hidup, anda memerlukan 3
Cs: contrast (kontras), color (warna) dan clarity (kejernihan).
TV LED seri 7 memiliki semuanya. Fitur Mega Contrast Ratio
menampilkan setiap perbedaan dari abu-abu. Wide Color Enhancer
Pro dengan LED gamut memastikan setiap semua imagepiksel kuat dan
vibran serta menonjolkan perbedaan dari amber, fuschia dan
magenta. Kelebihan lain teknologi 100Hz Motion Plus menghilangkan
tepian-kabur. Membuat gambar anda terlihat lembut
dan tegas.

Begitu dalam tanpa ketebalan

Hanya butuh satu sekrup untuk memasang TV LED seri 7 yang penuh kejutan ini. Seperti sebuah bingkai gambar. Hanya saja bingkai ini dibuat oleh gambaran batu amber. Kami menyebutnya Crystal Design. Satu tatapan saja dan begitu halusnya, sudut yang seimbang adalah semua yang perlu anda lihat bahwa ini bukan sekedar TV yang anda gantung. Namun sebuah karya seni.
Dapatkan infonya

Tidak seperti televisi "slim" lainnya, TV LED seri 7 adalah salah satu televisi tertipis di dunia. Selain bagian-bagian lain yang digabung bersamaan, menjadi satu kesatuan, tanpa kelim, benar-benar televisi terkini yang begitu mempesona. Didukung dengan sebuah leher kristal unik yang anggun. Anda tidak akan kesulitan meletakannya diruangan manapun.

Ramah lingkungan disetiap ruangan

TV LED seri 7 begitu ramah pada lingkungan begitu juga dengan mata anda. Frame bezel daur ulangnya diproses dengan menghilangkan timbal dalam proses patrian dan emisi VOC dalam proses manufakturnya, sehingga emisi CO2 menjadi lebih sedikit. Anda bisa lebih tenang dan rileks mengetahui bahwa anda meninggalkan sedikit jejak karbon.
Dapatkan infonya

Tampil di TV menjadi lebih mudah

TV LED seri 7 memudahkan usaha anda untuk berbagi bakat dengan semuanya atau hanya dengan keluarga anda. Transfer video, musik dan foto anda dari PC kedalam peralatan DLNA mobile anda. Nirkabel dan begitu mudah. Bahkan dapat terhubung ke beberapa PC. Siapa bilang anda butuh koneksi untuk tampil dilayar TV?
Dapatkan infonya

Para hadirin menunggu anda.

Tidak ada lagi alasan untuk meninggalkan semua gambar digital dan video mengesankan dalam kamera anda. Yang anda butuhkan dengan TV LED seri 7 adalah kabel USB 2.0. Cukup masukkan dengan segera anda dapat memainkan, menyimpan atau menghapusnya. Bahkan berlaku pada koleksi musik anda. Sekarang setiap saat adalah pertunjukan.
Dapatkan infonya

Penambahan konten library

Seandainya anda ingin bermain catur atau memasak daripada menonton TV, maka TV LED seri 7 memungkinkan hal tersebut. Ciptakan konten anda sendiri, dari permainan anak hingga fitness. Dan mendownloadnya begitu mudah. Banyak hal yang dapat anda lakukan dengan TV LED seri 7, termasuk menontonnya.
Dapatkan infonya


Jika ada cara yang lebih mudah untuk mendapat video HD dan gambar kedalam TV LED seri t, kami ingin mengetahuinya. Semua hanya membutuhkan satu buah kabel HDMI dan gambar ditransfer tanpa kehilangan data atau bersusah payah.

Video Screen Size 40"
Resolution 1920 x 1080
Dynamic Contrast Ratio Mega
Wide Color Enhancer WCE pro
100/200Hz Motion Plus Yes (100Hz)
Audio Speaker Type Down Firing
Sound Effect system SRS TruSurround HD
Woofer Yes
Sound Output (RMS) 10W x 2
Feature Sleep Timer Yes
Still Picture No
Auto Channel Search Yes
Anynet+ (HDMI-CEC) Yes
Game mode Yes
Teletext (TTXT) 1,000P
Picture-in-Picture 1 Tuner PIP
DLNA Wireless Yes (Support)
Content Library (Flash) Yes (2G)
USB2.0 Yes (USB2.0 Movie)
Dimension Set Size (WxDxH) with Stand 996 x 255 x 692mm
Set Size (WxHxD) without Stand 996 x 630 x 29.9mm
Package Size (WxHxD) 1,288 x 746 x 239mm
Weight Package weight 23.3Kg
Set weight with stand 18.5Kg
Set weight without stand 14.8Kg
Accessory Power Cable Yes
Vesa Wall Mount Yes (40 - 55":400 x 400)
Ultra Slim Wall Mount Yes
Remote Controller Model TM970
Simple Remote Controller Yes
Install CD Yes (Wireless DLNA)
Slim Gender Cable Audio L-R, Componet, AV IN
Instruction Book Yes
Power Power Supply AC100 - 240V 50/60Hz, AC100 - 260V 50/60Hz (India)
Operation power consumption 140W
Stand-by Power Consumption <0.1W
Eco Mark SAMSUNG Eco Mark
Panel Ultra Clear Panel Yes
Input & Output (Back) HDMI 4
Digital Audio (Optical) No
Audio Out L-R (Mini Jack) 1
PC input (D-sub) 1
PC Audio Input (Mini Jack) 1
DVI Audio Input Common Use for PC Audio Input
Component (Y/Pb/Pr) 1
Composite (AV) Common Use for Component Y
Ethernet (LAN) 1
RF input 1
Design Type Crystal Design
Color Rose Black
Light Effect Yes
Swivel (left/right) Yes (20/20)

Logitech Freedom 2,4 Cordless Joystick

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Get into the game with advanced control and a cordless joystick. 2.4 GHz wireless technology lets you concentrate on the game. A wealth of buttons and features on the Logitech® Freedom 2.4™ gives you all the control you need for game competition. And with brushed aluminum and metal highlights, winning has never looked so good.

  • 2.4 GHz wireless: Enjoy total freedom of movement during—and after—the game. 2.4 GHz wireless gives 20 feet (6 meters) of range, without lags or dropouts.
  • Power management: Enjoy at least 50 hours of gameplay with three AA batteries (included).
  • Advanced controls: Experience superior response and control with 10 programmable buttons, including a durable metal trigger, eight-way hat switch, twist handle, and precise throttle.
  • Twist-handle rudder control: Turn on a dime. Surprise your enemies or take a shortcut; you're always in complete control.
  • Logitech® Profiler software (PC): Get serious about your game with advanced button customization, multiple controller configurations, and printable gaming profiles.
Ergonomic design: Play longer with a comfortable stick and intuitive button placement.

Logitech Flight System G940

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From takeoff to landing, flying with Logitech® Flight System G940 makes every aircraft behave and feel like the real thing. Feel wind on your wings. Control engines together or independently. And master tricky maneuvers. Just like you would in a real cockpit.

  • Authentic design: Every piece of Logitech® Flight System G940 is carefully crafted with realism in mind. We looked to military and commercial planes and helicopters for inspiration. You get an experience that’s more realistic and more fun, with important controls that look, feel, and work just like the real thing.

  • Force feedback joystick: Control your aircraft with confidence. Force feedback effects allow you to feel its movement as well as its reaction to wind shear, buffeting, turbulence, and g-forces.
  • Dual throttle: Precisely control multi-engine aircraft using the two 8-way hat switches. Or lock the levers when you need to operate your engines in sync.
  • Rudder pedals with toe brakes: Enjoy true-to-life rudder control, essential when you’re performing defensive maneuvers and crosswind landings, or piloting helicopters.
  • Interactive, programmable throttle-base buttons: Keep in control with buttons that illuminate red, green, amber, or off to indicate the status of critical aircraft systems—gear up, flaps down, and many others—just like they would in a real cockpit.

  • Hard points: All three components (joystick, throttle, and pedals) can be bolted to a table or other surface for a solid experience.

  • Game support: Works with PC flight simulators including Microsoft® Flight Simulator X, IL-2 Sturmovik™: 1946, Falcon: Allied Force, Lock On: Modern Air Combat X-Plane 9, Enemy Engaged 2, and DCS: Black Shark

Logitech G25 Racing Wheel

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Transform your racing experience into a virtual Monza. Feel your car's weight shift and tires slip as you navigate corners, thanks to the powerful, dual-motor force feedback transmission. Quickly select the correct gear with either the six-speed shifter or the F1-style paddles. Wrap your hands tightly around the real leather wheel, and slam on the steel pedals—gas, brake, and clutch. You're not playing games anymore, you're racing.

  • Dual-motor force feedback transmission: Experience quiet, powerful force feedback effects. You'll feel every bump, bank, and curb, recreated with remarkable fidelity.
  • Six-speed stick shift: Quickly select between six forward gears and a push-down reverse gear. Or switch to sequential shifting mode.
  • 900 degree wheel rotation: Turns 2 ½ times, lock-to-lock, to accurately replicate real steering dynamics.
  • Metal gas, brake, and clutch pedals: Control your car intuitively with sturdy, true-to-life pedals.
  • Two paddle shifters: Keep both hands on the wheel while changing gears.
  • 12 programmable buttons plus D-pad: Easily map game functions to your preference with the powerful software.

G25 Racing Wheel - Comfort

  • Hand-Stitched Leather: The 11-inch wheel is wrapped in real leather to help keep your hands comfortable during long racing sessions.

Logitech Gaming Keyboard G-19

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  • Tiltable, color GamePanel™ LCD: The (320x240) display shows unprecedented levels of information—both in- and out-of-game—including game stats, system information, VOIP communication data, video playback, image slideshows, and many other items.
  • User-selectable backlit characters: Personalize the keyboard to better fit with the rest of your computer and gaming equipment, and easily locate keys—even in the dark.
  • Twelve fully programmable G-keys with three macros per key: Program up to 36 single keypresses or complex macros; use the MR key to record new macros on-the-fly.
  • Multi-key input: Use up to five keys at once to perform multiple complex actions.
  • Game/desktop mode: Disable the Windows/Context Menu keys so they won’t interrupt your game if pressed accidentally.

G19 Keyboard for gaming

  • Two powered Hi-Speed USB 2.0 ports: Transfer data to and from peripherals—such as MP3 players and flash drives—while also charging battery-powered devices.
  • Intelligent cable management: Keep mouse, headset, and other cords out of the way by routing them through channels on the underside of the keyboard.
  • Instant media access: Use the convenient one-touch controls for volume and media playback.

Logitech Keyboard+Mouse MX-5500 Revolution

Precision meets convenience.
  • MX™ Revolution Cordless Laser Mouse: Experience extreme accuracy and flawless tracking on nearly any surface.
  • Revolutionary scroll wheel: Lets you speed through long documents.
  • Precise, click-to-click scrolling: Switch from rapid scrolling to click-to-click for navigating lists, slides, and images.
  • Rapid charging stand: Eliminates the need to change batteries.

Cordless Desktop MX 5500 Laser

Instant access and control.
  • Dynamic keyboard display: An integrated LCD makes it easy to play music, use your calculator, receive incoming message notifications, and check the time and date.

Cordless Desktop MX 5500 Laser

Easy, reliable connections and extended range.
  • Bluetooth® wireless technology: Enables dependable, cordless connectivity from up to 30 feet.
  • Logitech SecureConnect™ technology: Helps ensure a hassle-free setup, right out of the box.

Cordless Desktop MX 5500 Laser

First-class comfort.
  • Sculpted mouse: Fits your hand for ultimate comfort and control.
  • Comfortable keyboard: Offers a more natural typing experience.

Intel Core i7-920

Intel Core i7-920

On November 3, Benchmark Reviews had the pleasure of publishing our first in a series of articles and reviews covering Intel's newest processor series, the Core i7. As we alluded to in that article the time frame from receiving our review kit to publishing the finished product was only a matter of days, so something had to give. We opted to stick with the basics and present a general overview of the entire product. As a result we had to omit many of the extras we would have normally included in a feature article of this type. Since the release of that article we have had a number of our readers request future articles in our series that deal more with with the specifics of each processor. The same group was somewhat adamant that we showcase both performance tuning and the overclocking capabilities of each product.

Today we are releasing the third review in our Core i7 series which focuses on the features and performance of the Intel Core i7-920. The Core i7-920 is considered to be the processor for the mainstream consumer primarily because of its price to performance ratio. The i7-920 doesn't have the unlocked multipliers that its more mature sibling does, but it is still a quite capable chip with its 2.66 GHz factory clock. We intend to share all of our findings and hope after reading this review you will have a much better understanding of the Core i7 family in general and the i7-920 in specific. We also plan to go into as complete of a discussion as possible on everything you can do to enhance capabilities this processor brings to the table. Unfortunately we don't have a QX9770, Intel's previous "King of the Hill", to compare the i7-920 to; but we should note that in all the test results we've seen the i7-920 outperforms the QX9770 in all processor dependant tasks. So the only true competition for the i7-920 are the other members of the Core i7 family which we will be testing for comparison purposes.

In our first article, Intel Core i7 CPU & DX58SO X58 Platform we covered most of the available information regarding both the Nehalem Technology and the architecture used with the Intel Core i7 Processor family. We will therefore not repeat that discussion, instead; our goal today is to spend most of our energy concentrating on those features and performance aspects of the Intel Core i7-920 (model BX80601920) that have led it and its other i7 kin to be dubbed "The Fastest Processor on the Planet" by Intel.


About the Company: Intel

Intel Corporation is the world's largest semiconductor company founded by semiconductor pioneers Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore, and widely associated with the executive leadership and vision of Andrew Grove, Intel combines advanced chip design capability with a leading-edge manufacturing capability. Originally known primarily to engineers and technologists, Intel's successful "Intel Inside" advertising campaign of the 1990s made it and its Pentium processor household names.

Intel pushes the boundaries of innovation so our work can make people's lives more exciting, fulfilling, and manageable. And our work never stops. We never stop looking for the next leap ahead-in technology, education, culture, manufacturing, and social responsibility. And we never stop striving to deliver solutions with greater benefits for everyone. Intel is making PCs more accessible and affordable through innovative PC purchase programs. Through public and private collaboration, Intel has worked closely with government and industry leaders to develop more than 200 programs in 60 countries. With the onslaught of wireless broadband communication technologies like WiMAX, Wi-Fi, and 3G and wireline ADSL and cable, Intel in collaboration with local governments is connecting more people in more places than ever before-no matter how remote.

Intel is committed to improving education on a global scale. With an ongoing focus on students and teachers, we're making an impact with technology solutions that support the development of 21st Century skills, including digital literacy, problem solving, and critical thinking. As citizens use the Internet, the need to create localized content is the key. Intel-sponsored programs provide localized content and services to connect technologies to villages, suburbs, and cities around the world to deliver access to community information, education, and healthcare.

Intel Core i7-965

Intel Core i7-965XE CPU

On November 3, Benchmark Reviews had the pleasure of publishing our first in a series of articles and reviews covering Intel's newest processor series, the Core i7. As we alluded to in that article the time frame from receiving our review kit to publishing the finished product was only a matter of days, so something had to give. We opted to stick with the basics and present a general overview of the entire product. As a result we had to omit many of the extras we would have normally included in a feature article of this type. Since the release of that article we have had a number of our readers request future articles in our series that deal more with with the specifics of each processor. The same group was somewhat adamant that we showcase both performance tuning and the overclocking capabilities of each product.

Fear not my enthusiast brethren, in our second publication we will be covering all that you asked for and more as we review the Intel Core i7-965 Extreme Edition (XE). We have now had sufficient time to spend with Core i7 series and our knowledge base on these processors and their supporting components has grown exponentially. This review is pretty much strictly Intel, meaning the motherboard, and the vast majority of the rest of the components we used in our testing are Intel's own. The BIOS on the motherboard is still considered a pre-release version. What I'm getting at here is don't hold the results we present today as being the "Holy Grail" of this processor's capability. It usually holds true with any new product release of this magnitude that it will take two to three months of BIOS and driver maturity after the release to get a complete picture of product's complete performance profile.

Intel® Core<sup>TM</sup> i7-965 Extreme Edition

In our first article, Intel Core i7 CPU & DX58SO X58 Platform we covered most of the available information regarding both the Nehalem Technology and the architecture used with the Intel Core i7 Processor family. We will therefore not repeat that discussion, instead; our goal today is to spend most of our energy concentrating on those features and performance aspects of the Intel Core i7-965XE model BX80601965 that have led it and its other i7 kin to be dubbed "The Fastest Processor on the Planet" by Intel.

About the Company: Intel

Intel Corporation is the world's largest semiconductor company founded by semiconductor pioneers Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore, and widely associated with the executive leadership and vision of Andrew Grove, Intel combines advanced chip design capability with a leading-edge manufacturing capability. Originally known primarily to engineers and technologists, Intel's successful "Intel Inside" advertising campaign of the 1990s made it and its Pentium processor household names.

Intel pushes the boundaries of innovation so our work can make people's lives more exciting, fulfilling, and manageable. And our work never stops. We never stop looking for the next leap ahead-in technology, education, culture, manufacturing, and social responsibility. And we never stop striving to deliver solutions with greater benefits for everyone. Intel is making PCs more accessible and affordable through innovative PC purchase programs. Through public and private collaboration, Intel has worked closely with government and industry leaders to develop more than 200 programs in 60 countries. With the onslaught of wireless broadband communication technologies like WiMAX, Wi-Fi, and 3G and wireline ADSL and cable, Intel in collaboration with local governments is connecting more people in more places than ever before-no matter how remote.

Intel is committed to improving education on a global scale. With an ongoing focus on students and teachers, we're making an impact with technology solutions that support the development of 21st Century skills, including digital literacy, problem solving, and critical thinking. As citizens use the Internet, the need to create localized content is the key. Intel-sponsored programs provide localized content and services to connect technologies to villages, suburbs, and cities around the world to deliver access to community information, education, and healthcare.


OCZ Apex 120GB SSD

OCZ may not have created the Solid State Drive, but they've done more to bring SSD technology mainstream than any other company in the industry. Once SSDs could outperform their HDD counterpart, it was all about price and capacity. The OCZ Core Series helped to offer affordable Solid State Drive technology to the masses, but capacity and stuttering became new issues. Using a pair of JMicron JMF602B SSD controllers to organize two banks of Samsung K9HCG08U1M DRAM modules into a JMB390 controller, the new OCZ Apex Series SSD offers an impressive capacity with internal RAID-0 performance to subdue stuttering. Benchmark Reviews tests the performance of the OCZSSD2-1APX120G against over two dozen other products in this article.


Since first making a commercial public debut at the 2007 Consumer Electronics Show, Solid State Drives (SSD's) have been a topic of hot discussion among performance enthusiasts. These nonvolatile flash memory-based drives feature virtually no access time delay and promise a more reliable storage medium with greater performance while operating at a fraction of the power level. Moving into 2008, SSDs became a consumer reality for many performance-minded power users. Now that 2009 has revealed promising industry support for Solid State Drive technology, we should hope that mainstream acceptance moves faster than DDR3 SDRAM has.

Back in November 2007, after experiencing the SuperComputing Conference SC07, finding Solid State Drives on sale anywhere was a real challenge. One year later, and online stores are offering dozens of SSD models at reasonable prices. Solid State Drives are rapidly changing the computing landscape, and many enthusiasts are using SSD technology in their primary systems to help boost performance. Benchmark Reviews has tested nearly all of the products available to the retail market in this sector, and several do well while others fall flat. It used to be that performance was the largest hurdle for mass storage NAND Solid State Drives, followed by stability, and later price.

Solid State Drive products are no longer restricted to bleeding edge hardware enthusiasts or wealthy elitists. Heading into 2009, SSD storage devices were available online for nearly $2 per gigabyte of storage capacity while the most popular performance desktop hard drive hovered just above $1/GB. While most consumers are waiting for that day when SSD costs the same as HDD, they seem to be forgetting how Solid State Drives have already surpassed Hard Disk performance in every other regard. Our collection of SSD reviews is a good starting point for comparing the competition.

According to a Q1 2008 report by the semiconductor market research firm iSuppli, the SSD market will grow at an annualized average of 124 percent during the four-year period from 2008 until 2012. iSuppli now projects SSD sales to increase by an additional 35 percent in 2009 over what it projected last year, 51 percent more in 2010, and 89 percent more in 2011, and continue to show dramatic increases in subsequent years.

Disclaimer: SSD Benchmarks

Benchmark Reviews recently published an article which details Solid State Drive (SSD) Benchmark Performance Testing. The research and discussion that went into producing that article changed the way we now test SSD products. Our previous perceptions of this technology were lost on one particular difference: the wear leveling algorithm that makes data a moving target. Without conclusive linear bandwidth testing or some other method of total-capacity testing, our previous performance results were rough estimates at best.

It's critically important to understand that no software for the Microsoft Windows platform can accurately measure SSD performance in a comparable fashion. Synthetic benchmark tools such as HD Tach and ATTO Disk Benchmark are helpful indicators, but should not be considered the ultimate determining factor. That factor should be measured in actual user experience of real-world applications. Benchmark Reviews includes both bandwidth benchmarks and application speed tests to present a conclusive measurement of product performance.

About the company: OCZ Technologyocz_logo_200px.png

Entering the memory market in August 2000, OCZ Technology was built around the determination to manufacture the best high speed DDR and RDRAM. OCZ was founded by enthusiasts, for enthusiasts, and their commitment to the end-user has not digressed. OCZ Technology has been an innovator in many areas.

We were the first manufacturer to make Dual Channel optimized memory available to the public, which originally took advantage of nVidia's Twinbank or Dual DDR architecture, found in their nForce chipset. We have now taken that technology and tailored it for the Canterwood, and Granite Bay chipset's. OCZ developed and was the first to implement ULN technology, which has been a critical element in the manufacturing process for some time.

We at OCZ diligently work to improve communication with CPU and motherboard chipset manufacturers prior to the release of their products. Only in this manner can we fine-tune the memory's SPD settings, ensuring a synergistic relationship between the memory module, memory controller, and microprocessor. In today's rapidly evolving semiconductor industry, such communication is not simply research, but a necessary component of the manufacturing process.

G.Skill Titan 128GB SATA SSD FM-25S2S-128GBT1

G.Skill Titan 128GB SSD

For the past several years, G.Skill has built a reputation for offering premium-grade products at economy-level pricing. Similar to their competition, G.Skill offers enthusiast products in several different markets. The brand name has been built on a solid history of quality system memory product lines, and not long ago they introduced the very impressive G.Skill FM-25S2S-64GB SATA-II MLC SSD.

Using a pair of JMicron JMF602B SSD controllers to organize two banks of Samsung K9HCG08U1M DRAM modules into a JMB390 controller, the new G.Skill Titan SSD offers an impressive capacity with internal RAID-0 performance to subdue stuttering. Benchmark Reviews tests the performance of the G.Skill Titan 128GB SATA SSD FM-25S2S-128GBT1 against over two dozen other products in this article, including its twin brother, the OCZ Apex.


Since first making a commercial public debut at the 2007 Consumer Electronics Show, Solid State Drives (SSD's) have been a topic of hot discussion among performance enthusiasts. These nonvolatile flash memory-based drives feature virtually no access time delay and promise a more reliable storage medium with greater performance while operating at a fraction of the power level. Moving into 2008, SSDs became a consumer reality for many performance-minded power users. Now that 2009 has revealed promising industry support for Solid State Drive technology, we should hope that mainstream acceptance moves faster than DDR3 SDRAM has.

Back in November 2007, after experiencing the SuperComputing Conference SC07, finding Solid State Drives on sale anywhere was a real challenge. One year later, and online stores are offering dozens of SSD models at reasonable prices. Solid State Drives are rapidly changing the computing landscape, and many enthusiasts are using SSD technology in their primary systems to help boost performance. Benchmark Reviews has tested nearly all of the products available to the retail market in this sector, and several do well while others fall flat. It used to be that performance was the largest hurdle for mass storage NAND Solid State Drives, followed by stability, and later price.

Solid State Drive products are no longer restricted to bleeding edge hardware enthusiasts or wealthy elitists. Heading into 2009, SSD storage devices were available online for nearly $2 per gigabyte of storage capacity while the most popular performance desktop hard drive hovered just above $1/GB. While most consumers are waiting for that day when SSD costs the same as HDD, they seem to be forgetting how Solid State Drives have already surpassed Hard Disk performance in every other regard. Our collection of SSD reviews is a good starting point for comparing the competition.

According to a Q1 2008 report by the semiconductor market research firm iSuppli, the SSD market will grow at an annualized average of 124 percent during the four-year period from 2008 until 2012. iSuppli now projects SSD sales to increase by an additional 35 percent in 2009 over what it projected last year, 51 percent more in 2010, and 89 percent more in 2011, and continue to show dramatic increases in subsequent years.

Disclaimer: SSD Benchmarks

Benchmark Reviews recently published an article which details Solid State Drive (SSD) Benchmark Performance Testing. The research and discussion that went into producing that article changed the way we now test SSD products. Our previous perceptions of this technology were lost on one particular difference: the wear leveling algorithm that makes data a moving target. Without conclusive linear bandwidth testing or some other method of total-capacity testing, our previous performance results were rough estimates at best.

It's critically important to understand that no software for the Microsoft Windows platform can accurately measure SSD performance in a comparable fashion. Synthetic benchmark tools such as HD Tach and ATTO Disk Benchmark are helpful indicators, but should not be considered the ultimate determining factor. That factor should be measured in actual user experience of real-world applications. Benchmark Reviews includes both bandwidth benchmarks and application speed tests to present a conclusive measurement of product performance.

About G.Skill International Enterpriseg.skill_logo_red_300px.jpg

Established in 1989 by enthusiasts, is a leading memory manufacturer based in Taipei, Taiwan. The company's top priority is Quality and all of our products go through a series of the most rigorous tests and strict quality control processes. In addition to a committed, qualified IC testing house to examine its products, all G.Skill products are 100% tested to ensure the highest yield, reliability and quality.

Mission Statement
We are here to provide superior memory products and satisfactory services in order to keep pace with our customers' growing needs, and help our customers in adding value to their products. And we pledge we will continue to do so and enable both sides to obtain significant competitive advantages in the market segments.

OCZ Vertex SSD RAID-0 Performance

This might sound like we're bragging, but Benchmark Reviews has been testing Solid State Drive products longer than most consumers have known them to exist. On the other hand, performance enthusiasts have been keeping notes on SSD technology for a while now. SSD products are not mainstream, not yet, but that day isn't very far off anymore. Lower power consumption and heat output are the least impressive benefits of Solid State Drives. The real payoff is in the practically instant response time and high-performance throughput.

OCZ may not have created the Solid State Drive, but they've done more to bring SSD technology mainstream than any other company in the industry. Once SSDs could outperform their HDD counterpart, it was all about price and capacity. Adding up to 64MB of Elpida DRAM to the buffer has permanently solved stuttering problems, making raw performance the last bottleneck. An Indilinx 'Barefoot' internal controller commands the bank of Samsung K9HCG08U1M DRAM modules, allowing a single OCZ Vertex SSD to offer impressive capacity with unmatched performance. But what if we put two Vertex SSDs into a striped RAID-0 array? Benchmark Reviews tests the speed and bandwidth of two OCZSSD2-1VTX120G SSDs against the fastest storage products on the planet in this OCZ Vertex SSD RAID-0 performance article.


Since first making a commercial public debut at the 2007 Consumer Electronics Show, Solid State Drives (SSD's) have been a topic of hot discussion among performance enthusiasts. These nonvolatile flash memory-based drives feature virtually no access time delay and promise a more reliable storage medium with greater performance while operating at a fraction of the power level. Moving into 2008, SSDs became a consumer reality for many performance-minded power users. Now that 2009 has revealed promising industry support for Solid State Drive technology, we should hope that mainstream acceptance moves faster than DDR3 SDRAM has.

Back in November 2007, after experiencing the SuperComputing Conference SC07, finding Solid State Drives on sale anywhere was a real challenge. One year later, and online stores are offering dozens of SSD models at reasonable prices. Solid State Drives are rapidly changing the computing landscape, and many enthusiasts are using SSD technology in their primary systems to help boost performance. Benchmark Reviews has tested nearly all of the products available to the retail market in this sector, and several do well while others fall flat. It used to be that performance was the largest hurdle for mass storage NAND Solid State Drives, followed by stability, and later price.

Solid State Drive products are no longer restricted to bleeding edge hardware enthusiasts or wealthy elitists. Heading into 2009, SSD storage devices were available online for nearly $2 per gigabyte of storage capacity while the most popular performance desktop hard drive hovered just above $1/GB. While most consumers are waiting for that day when SSD costs the same as HDD, they seem to be forgetting how Solid State Drives have already surpassed Hard Disk performance in every other regard. Our collection of SSD reviews is a good starting point for comparing the competition.

According to a Q1 2008 report by the semiconductor market research firm iSuppli, the SSD market will grow at an annualized average of 124 percent during the four-year period from 2008 until 2012. iSuppli now projects SSD sales to increase by an additional 35 percent in 2009 over what it projected last year, 51 percent more in 2010, and 89 percent more in 2011, and continue to show dramatic increases in subsequent years.

Disclaimer: SSD Benchmarks

Benchmark Reviews recently published an article which details Solid State Drive (SSD) Benchmark Performance Testing. The research and discussion that went into producing that article changed the way we now test SSD products. Our previous perceptions of this technology were lost on one particular difference: the wear leveling algorithm that makes data a moving target. Without conclusive linear bandwidth testing or some other method of total-capacity testing, our previous performance results were rough estimates at best.

It's critically important to understand that no software for the Microsoft Windows platform can accurately measure SSD performance in a comparable fashion. Synthetic benchmark tools such as HD Tach and ATTO Disk Benchmark are helpful indicators, but should not be considered the ultimate determining factor. That factor should be measured in actual user experience of real-world applications. Benchmark Reviews includes both bandwidth benchmarks and application speed tests to present a conclusive measurement of product performance.

About the company: OCZ Technologyocz_logo_200px.png

Entering the memory market in August 2000, OCZ Technology was built around the determination to manufacture the best high speed DDR and RDRAM. OCZ was founded by enthusiasts, for enthusiasts, and their commitment to the end-user has not digressed. OCZ Technology has been an innovator in many areas.

We were the first manufacturer to make Dual Channel optimized memory available to the public, which originally took advantage of nVidia's Twinbank or Dual DDR architecture, found in their nForce chipset. We have now taken that technology and tailored it for the Canterwood, and Granite Bay chipset's. OCZ developed and was the first to implement ULN technology, which has been a critical element in the manufacturing process for some time.

We at OCZ diligently work to improve communication with CPU and motherboard chipset manufacturers prior to the release of their products. Only in this manner can we fine-tune the memory's SPD settings, ensuring a synergistic relationship between the memory module, memory controller, and microprocessor. In today's rapidly evolving semiconductor industry, such communication is not simply research, but a necessary component of the manufacturing process.



There are very few products that grab enthusiast attention like SSDs have. OCZ has created a well-deserved buzz around the industry since they launched their Core II, Apex, and Vertex multi-layer cell SSD products for retail consumers. Now they've gone one step further, and designed a SLC SSD for the demanding enterprise server segment. Benchmark Reviews welcomes the OCZ Vertex EX SSD OCZSSD2-1VTXEX120G into the ranks, and our bandwidth performance tests compare the Vertex EX to several other SSDs occupying the high-end market.

Performance enthusiasts have been keeping notes on Solid State Drive technology for a while now. SSD products are not mainstream, not yet, but that day isn't very far off anymore. Lower power consumption and heat output are benefits of the technology, but they are also the least impressive benefits any Solid State Drive can provide. The real payoff is a nearly-instant response time and incredible high-performance throughput speeds.

OCZ may not have created the Solid State Drive, but they've done more to bring SSD technology mainstream than any other company in the entire industry. Once SSDs could finally outperform their HDD counterpart, the discussion became all about price and capacity. The OCZ Core Series helped to offer affordable Solid State Drive technology to the masses, but capacity and stuttering became new issues. Adding up to 64MB of Elpida DRAM to the buffer has permanently solved stuttering problems, making raw performance the last bottleneck. An Indilinx 'Barefoot' internal controller commands the bank of Samsung K9HCG08U1M DRAM modules, allowing the OCZ Vertex Series SSD to offer an impressive capacity with unmatched performance. Benchmark Reviews tests the reaction time and bandwidth performance for the Vertex EX SLC SSD against over two dozen other products in this article.


Since first making a commercial public debut at the 2007 Consumer Electronics Show, Solid State Drives (SSD's) have been a topic of hot discussion among performance enthusiasts. These nonvolatile flash memory-based drives feature virtually no access time delay and promise a more reliable storage medium with greater performance while operating at a fraction of the power level. Moving into 2008, SSDs became a consumer reality for many performance-minded power users. Now that 2009 has revealed promising industry support for Solid State Drive technology, we should hope that mainstream acceptance moves faster than DDR3 SDRAM has.

Back in November 2007, after experiencing the SuperComputing Conference SC07, finding Solid State Drives on sale anywhere was a real challenge. One year later, and online stores are offering dozens of SSD models at reasonable prices. Solid State Drives are rapidly changing the computing landscape, and many enthusiasts are using SSD technology in their primary systems to help boost performance. Benchmark Reviews has tested nearly all of the products available to the retail market in this sector, and several do well while others fall flat. It used to be that performance was the largest hurdle for mass storage NAND Solid State Drives, followed by stability, and later price.

Solid State Drive products are no longer restricted to bleeding edge hardware enthusiasts or wealthy elitists. Heading into 2009, SSD storage devices were available online for nearly $2 per gigabyte of storage capacity while the most popular performance desktop hard drive hovered just above $1/GB. While most consumers are waiting for that day when SSD costs the same as HDD, they seem to be forgetting how Solid State Drives have already surpassed Hard Disk performance in every other regard. Our collection of SSD reviews is a good starting point for comparing the competition.

According to a Q1 2008 report by the semiconductor market research firm iSuppli, the SSD market will grow at an annualized average of 124 percent during the four-year period from 2008 until 2012. iSuppli now projects SSD sales to increase by an additional 35 percent in 2009 over what it projected last year, 51 percent more in 2010, and 89 percent more in 2011, and continue to show dramatic increases in subsequent years.

Disclaimer: SSD Benchmarks

Benchmark Reviews recently published an article which details Solid State Drive (SSD) Benchmark Performance Testing. The research and discussion that went into producing that article changed the way we now test SSD products. Our previous perceptions of this technology were lost on one particular difference: the wear leveling algorithm that makes data a moving target. Without conclusive linear bandwidth testing or some other method of total-capacity testing, our previous performance results were rough estimates at best.

It's critically important to understand that no software for the Microsoft Windows platform can accurately measure SSD performance in a comparable fashion. Synthetic benchmark tools such as HD Tach and ATTO Disk Benchmark are helpful indicators, but should not be considered the ultimate determining factor. That factor should be measured in actual user experience of real-world applications. Benchmark Reviews includes both bandwidth benchmarks and application speed tests to present a conclusive measurement of product performance.

About the company: OCZ Technologyocz_logo_200px.png

Entering the memory market in August 2000, OCZ Technology was built around the determination to manufacture the best high speed DDR and RDRAM. OCZ was founded by enthusiasts, for enthusiasts, and their commitment to the end-user has not digressed. OCZ Technology has been an innovator in many areas.

We were the first manufacturer to make Dual Channel optimized memory available to the public, which originally took advantage of nVidia's Twinbank or Dual DDR architecture, found in their nForce chipset. We have now taken that technology and tailored it for the Canterwood, and Granite Bay chipset's. OCZ developed and was the first to implement ULN technology, which has been a critical element in the manufacturing process for some time.

We at OCZ diligently work to improve communication with CPU and motherboard chipset manufacturers prior to the release of their products. Only in this manner can we fine-tune the memory's SPD settings, ensuring a synergistic relationship between the memory module, memory controller, and microprocessor. In today's rapidly evolving semiconductor industry, such communication is not simply research, but a necessary component of the manufacturing process.